Sugarland Dietitian

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2245 Texas dr
Sugarland tx 77479


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Not sure if IBD nutrition is right for you?


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The strangest secret in the world is that you become what you think about. — Earl Nightingale

We use nutrition to treat those who have had an IBD diagnosis – Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, microscopic colitis (lymphocytic & collagenous), j-pouch, ileostomy and indeterminate IBD cases. We also see ages 3 and up.

Absolutely, yes! Why delay care and support when you need it? 

It’s tempting to want to test out one thing at a time, but remember with IBD care – there isn’t usually one singular approach. It’s even better if you can support your medication path with a complementary nutrition approach.

Most people meet with us 1-2 years after diagnosis, once they have had a chance to really understand the value of handing over your nutrition to someone. However, we would love to work with more of those who are newly diagnosed.

The earlier you can start implementing nutrition the better! Implementing nutrition early can help reduce risk AND improve chances of remission.

Some dietitians use a one-size-fits-all approach with their patients, but that’s not the way we work. We consider your individual needs and focus on getting YOU results. 


If you are interested in just a few sessions and a place to ask questions and get resources, we recommend our CCRB program! You can add on a few 1:1 sessions and get lifetime access with our care package add-on.